June 1, 2020
Weeks ago we realized that flexibility was going to be an essential trait for us as a church family in the months ahead, and that has proven to be true. Again we will need flexibility as we make more adjustments to our times of gathering on Sundays. Beginning this Sunday (and continuing for the foreseeable future) we will have two options for attending a Sunday morning service. The service times will be 9:00 am and 10:45 am. Offering two services and utilizing an overflow area will allow us to follow the recommendations from the Washington County health department of keeping gatherings at 25% of occupancy. For these services, you will NOT need to sign-up ahead of time. The first 75 individuals will be directed to find a seat in the auditorium. After we have reached 75 in the auditorium, seating in the foyer will be provided as an overflow seating area. As always, the cry rooms will be reserved for families with young children.
We hope this service schedule and plan will help us provide an environment that provides safe distancing while also allowing us to gather as a church family and worship God together. As we have said before, we understand that each within our church family are evaluating their social engagements right now, and we are all reaching different conclusions based on our individual needs and concerns. In light of this we encourage those who are unable to attend in person on Sunday to stream the 9:00 service on our website: firstbaptistwb.org/watch-live.