“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes… praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.”   Acts 2:46-47, 5:42

The Bible presents the church not as a place to simply attend as a spectator, but a body of believes to belong to and walk through life together. This is why at First Baptist we strive to live in community with each other.

Adult Bible Fellowships

Sundays at 10:45 a.m.

Our Adult Bible Fellowships provide many benefits that only smaller-group Bible studies can provide. In smaller classes, each student is better enabled to participate in class discussions and activities, which are valuable tools in the learning process. Smaller groups also provide a greater opportunity for fellowship with peers, for developing strong Christian friendships, and for edifying each other and holding each other accountable before the Lord.

The Adult Bible Fellowships meet in various classrooms following the Sunday Morning Worship Service, with each one having a different flair. They generally meet from 10:45-11:30 a.m. Our Children’s Sunday School also meets during this time, with classes for children age three through 8th grade. A staffed nursery is also available for children under age 3.

Ministry Overview

Here is a broad overview of some of the ministries that happen at First. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a spotlight of a few ministries. Our goal in each ministry is to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

In addition to our Adult Bible Fellowships and small groups, we occasionally have other times to fellowship and study together. Our goal is to be purposeful as we add each event to our calendar. Be sure to check the church calendar or bulletin for upcoming events.

Here are a few examples of events/activities:

  • Senior Outings
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast
  • Book studies
  • Ladies’ Christmas Tea
  • Retreats/conferences

We occasionally have times to fellowship together as a church family. Our goal is to be purposeful as we add each event to our calendar. Be sure to check the church calendar or bulletin for upcoming events.

Here are a few examples of events/activities:

  • Church Fellowships/Picnics
  • Summer in the Psalms/Songs
  • Outdoor activities
  • Missions Dinners
  • Christmas Events
  • Resurrection Breakfast

First Baptist Church is dedicated to removing any barriers that would limit the accessibility of our services and ministries. This includes the communication barriers faced by deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

We have two goals for assisting our deaf and hard-of-hearing members. Our first goal is to provide accessibility in all worship services and Bible studies. We offer sign language interpretation and electronic hearing assistance devices at all services. Our second goal is to provide meaningful opportunities for fellowship among both hearing and non-hearing believers. To improve communication and fellowship, we occasionally offer a sign language class for any interested adult.

Fantastic Saturday, a one-day deaf conference hosted by First Baptist, happens once a year in the fall. The deaf also attend a retreat generally held in the spring.

What grips the heart will drive the actions (Proverbs 4:20-27); therefore we strive to instill within the heart of our young people a love for God, His righteousness, His Word and His will. Every opportunity with our children will be aimed at reaching and molding the heart for God.

The children’s programs of FBC are intended to supplement, not replace, the role of the parents in the spiritual nurture and training of their children. Participation in an age-specific class or ministry is at the discretion of the parent. Parents are always encouraged to worship with their children and take the lead in all spiritual and biblical instruction.

Every youth ministry or activity will have as its goal the instruction and application of biblical truth. The Bible is not taught as a series of stories but as the truth of God. Music is neither about entertainment nor motivation, but about worship.

Nursery Care

Offered during the Worship Service at 9 a.m. and Sunday School/Adult Bible Fellowships at 10:45 a.m., as well as during the Sunday Evening Ministries at 6 p.m. (school year) for children under age 3.

Children’s Church

Sundays at 9 a.m. (during the sermon only) for age 3-2nd grade.

Children’s Sunday School

Sundays from 10:45-11:30 a.m. for age 3-6th grade.

Wednesday Evening Kids’ Night

Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. for age 3-6th grade during the school year.

The music ministry of First Baptist Church exists to exalt Jesus Christ as Lord through congregational singing, to equip our congregation with a means of keeping the Word of God dwelling richly in our hearts, and to edify believers to live in a God-honoring way (Colossians 3:16).

This is accomplished primarily through the congregational singing of songs that are biblically sound and musically appropriate. We view worship as the hearing and responding to God’s Word and Truth. Our desire is that, as we sing together, we will gain a better understanding of God’s Word, think correctly about who God is, and consider how we are to live in light of His Truth.

Along with congregational singing, opportunities to serve are also available to members to minister in other musical capacities. Members are encouraged to use their talents and abilities to the glory of God by being involved in individual and small group singing as well as instrumental music while we worship together.

More information on our outreach philosophy:

Serve the Community

More information on our missions philosophy:

Serve the World