“not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25
All are invited to join our church family as we gather weekly to worship God. At the center of First Baptist is the weekly gathering to worship our God and Savior through singing praise to Him as a congregation, reading Scripture together, praying as a church, and the preaching of God’s Word that calls us to apply the truth of God’s Word to our lives.
When & Where
Sunday Morning Worship Service | 9:00 AM
Location: 2300 S Main St, West Bend, WI 53090
Located about 30 minutes north of Milwaukee, just off of Hwy 45, First Baptist Church is easy to find. Take Hwy 45 to the Paradise Drive exit. Turn east on Paradise and go to Main Street (three traffic lights). Turn right (south) onto Main Street. We are located between Meijer and the Kettle Moraine Ice Center. The church shares the driveway with the Ice Center on the south side of the property.
Our services are also streamed live on our website every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship Service | 9:00 AM
When you enter the building, you’ll have the chance to meet other members of the community before the service starts. As we gather to worship, you’ll find our music is varied including both traditional hymns and modern songs. We incorporate Scripture reading and pray together. Following the sermon, we continue our service as we rejoice together in song. After the service is an informal time of fellowship before our Adult Bible Fellowships and Children’s Sunday School.
If you’d like to preview a service in the comfort of your own home, you can watch our 9 a.m. service live on our website.

Children's Ministries
What grips the heart will drive the actions (Proverbs 4:20-27); therefore we strive to instill within the heart of our young people a love for God, His righteousness, His Word and His will. Every opportunity with our children will be aimed at reaching and molding the heart for God.
Children’s church is available during the sermon of the Worship Service for kids ages 3-2nd grade. Nursery is offered for those under age 3.
The children’s programs of FBC are intended to supplement, not replace, the role of the parents in the spiritual nurture and training of their children. Participation in an age-specific class or ministry is at the discretion of the parent. Parents are always encouraged to worship with their children and take the lead in all spiritual and biblical instruction.

Common Questions
Our morning worship service is approximately an hour and a half. Following the service is an informal time of fellowship. Sunday school typically lasts about 45 minutes.
The sermons last around 50 minutes. Each sermon strives to faithfully explain what a passage of the Bible means and how it applies to our everyday lives.
You can sit anywhere. Please note that the deaf interpreter and the deaf sit in the north section of chairs in the front few rows.
We encourage our families to worship together. A program for age 3-2nd grade is available during the Sunday morning sermon portion of our worship service. A nursery is for children ages 0-3 and for nursing mothers. Cry rooms are also available on either side of the auditorium, with the ability to see and hear the service.
Our music includes both hymns and modern-day songs. We focus on biblical content, theological accuracy, and congregational accessibility. While we have musical accompaniment, we tend to emphasize hearing the congregation sing together.
While our pastor studies from multiple versions, he preaches from the English Standard Version (ESV). We encourage everyone to bring and use a translation that they are most comfortable with. ESV Pew Bibles are available and verses are displayed on an overhead screen during the service. Our doctrinal position on inspiration, preservation and translation may be found in our doctrinal statement.