Teen Activity - Lock-in

Get ready for an incredible, knock- your-socks-off time of our favorite gym games, group games, video games, board games, non-stop movies, chit chatting, your favorite snacks and an amazing chocolate chip pancake, egg and bacon breakfast!

You won’t want to miss this awesome kick-off to our Summer and chance to welcome our incoming students!


May 24-25
8:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m.

What to bring:

Please bring $5 (to help cover pizza & breakfast) AND either your favorite bag of chips, candy, dessert or soda. (Don’t fret if you can’t afford it. Bring what you can, IF you can.)
* a sleeping bag (not that you'll really sleep)
* warm clothing
* a pillow

Contact Pastor David Hinz
Cell/txt: 262-224-2114
Email: dhinz@firstbaptistwb.org