Annual Member's Meeting 2018

Our annual member's meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 14 during the Sunday School hour. During this meeting, we will be approving the general budget for 2018 as well as considering how we can strive to exalt God, equip saints, and evangelize the world now that we are debt free as a church.

Doctrine Class - Spring 2018

The next doctrine class will begin Sunday evening, January 14. This class will go through May and study the doctrines of God and Angels. We will be wrestling with doctrines like the Trinity and God's Sovereignty, as well as questions concerning God and suffering, creation, the role of angels in the Christian's life, and demon activity in today's culture. If you are interested in being part of this class, you can contact Pastor Luke.

Prayer Week

We begin each year as a church with a purposeful week of prayer. This year's prayer week is January 8-14. Please make plans to be involved in one of the home prayer meetings during the week:

Also, at the end of the week the church building will be open for prayer for 24 hours straight (Fri. 1/12 6am - Sat. 1/13 6am).